Ray-Ban B-15 Lens: God Save the Contrast!
Not even a hundred years have passed since the Ray-Ban brand was founded, and it already boasts an overwhelming array of different models, frame materials, and of course, lenses.
Such variety usually takes consumers far ahead, making them forget the importance of classic designs. If this happened to you too, allow yourself to return to the basics and get acquainted with the good old B-15 lens!
It All Starts with Flight
The B-15 lens, like its sister G-15, begins its story in 1951 when Bausch & Lomb, the optical company (founder of the Ray-Ban trademark), created the N-15 gray lens at the request of the U.S. Air Force.
The result of further modernization of this lens was the creation of the B-15, which features a brown tint (the “B” stands for brown).
SAY NO to Bad Lighting
So, the B-15 lens is an optical glass lens with a rich brown hue. Like the G-15, it transmits only 15% of daylight and blocks 100% of infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the amount of light the eye receives matches its ability to perceive it.
The B-15 formula, like the G-15, is based on the fact that our eyes are sensitive to red and blue light rays. Here comes the most interesting part: while some gray-green lenses still allow a small percentage of blue light to pass through, brown lenses block it entirely.
As a result, we get high contrast lenses in low light conditions, meaning that even on the cloudiest day, you’ll see a bright and vibrant picture through them.
Eagle Vision
The advantages of the B-15 lens don’t end there. While the gray-green lens deliberately distorts blue light, the brown lens transmits it in its full diversity, providing high clarity.
That’s why B-15 sunglasses are recommended for drivers, athletes, photographers, and anyone for whom detail is of utmost importance.
Moreover, in terms of optical performance, these lenses exceed ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards and are shatter-resistant according to U.S. government regulations.
The updated B-15 XLT (eXtra LighT) model is also 14% lighter than its predecessor and has a thickness of only 1.8 mm.
So, if you’re fond of time-tested yet vibrant classics full of contrast, like life itself, Ray-Ban sunglasses
with the B-15 lens are already waiting for you in our store =)